Committee Rosters
Charge: This committee shall organize a book sale normally held in conjunction with National Library Week. Additionally, this committee shall coordinate all book selling operations, including but not limited to: receiving and evaluating donations, maintaining and selling inventory, publicizing services and events, and coordinating volunteers. Book selling activities may include: in-person events, online sales, and partnerships with third party book resellers.
Lori Dekydtspotter, Board Liaison, (2024-2025)
Amy Tims (2024-2026)
Rebecca Bertoloni Meli (2024-2026)
Scott Hudnall (2024-2026)
Charge: This committee shall compile, edit, prepare and distribute all publications, both print and electronic, of the Association.
Anna Marie Johnson, Chair (2024-2026)
Tamara Rogers, Board Liaison (2024-2025)
Julie Feighery (2024-2026)
Jeremy Pekarak (2024-2026)
Charge: This committee shall consider proposals for amending the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws, and shall present such proposals to the membership for approval as specified in Article VII of the Constitution. The Committee chairperson shall also perform the duties specified in Article VIII of the Constitution.
Ryan Overdorf, Chair (2024-2026)
Wookjin Cheun, Board Liaison (2024-2026)
Charge: It shall be the responsibility of the four Representatives-at-Large to serve on the Membership Committee, together with any board-appointed members of the committee. This committee shall conduct the annual membership drive, contacting new librarians during the year to inform them of the Association and invite their membership, and to assess the needs and interests of members in order to advise the Executive Board in its planning.
Todd Grooten (2024-2026), Chair
Thea Atwood (2024-2025), Board Liaison
Yi Jiang (2024-2025), Board Liaison
Sudha Anand (2024-2026)
Margaret Kiel-Morse (2024-2026)
Charge: This committee shall organize at least one program of interest to the members. This committee shall also design, administer and publicize such activities as workshops, institutes or conferences for the professional development of librarianship. It may also organize a fund-raising event to support the InULA Research Incentive Fund.
Ryan Overdorf, Chair (2024-2026)
Larissa Sullivant, Board Liaison (2024-2025)
Veronika Trotter (2024-2025)
Emma Dederick (2024-2026)
Charge: This committee shall receive and review applications for the research incentive fund and scholarship program applications and submit their recommendations to the Executive Board for approval and funding.
Alyssa Denneler (2024-2026), Chair
Nico Casas (2024-2025), Board Liaison
Catherine Minter (2024-2026)
Wen-ling Liu (2024-2026)
Kate Ziady (2024-2026)
Sara Lowe (2024-2026)
Akram Habibulla (2024-2026)