Nico Casas
John W. Anderson Library, IU Northwest
(219) 980-6806
It shall be the duty of the President, with the advice and consent of the remainder of the Executive Board, to lead the Association in fulfilling the purposes stated in Article II, to conduct all general meetings, to conduct the affairs of the Association, and to make an annual report on the year’s activities. He or she shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Board. The President shall be a nonvoting member of all Association committees (InULA Constitution 5:1).
Vice President/President Elect
Lori Dekydtspotter
Wells Library, IU Bloomington
(812) 855-3157
It shall be the duty of the Vice President/President-Elect to act as President in the temporary absence of the President and to succeed to the Presidency in case of the permanent absence of the President. The Vice President/President-Elect shall be responsible for coordinating the internal communications of the Association and any publicity involving the Association (InULA Constitution 5:2).
Immediate Past President
Larissa Sullivant
Ruth Lilly Law Library, IU Indianapolis
(317) 274-1930
Tamara Roger
Ruth Lilly Law Library, IU Indianapolis
(317) 274-1925
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of the transactions of all Executive Board and general membership meetings, to maintain an archive of all official reports, publications and policy statements of the Executive Board and its committees, and to take care of all necessary correspondence and notices relating to the activities of the Executive Board (InULA Constitution 5:3).
Monique Threatt
Wells Library, IU Bloomington
(812) 855-1650
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect dues, to notify all Association members of due changes, to have charge of all monies belonging to the Association, and to disburse same upon order ofthe Executive Board. The Treasurer shall submit quarterly reports to the Executive Board, an interim report at the annual business meeting, a final report to the Executive Board on or before August 15 covering the previous fiscal year, and other reports as requested by the Executive Board (InULA Constitution 5:4).
Representatives At-Large
Thea Atwood
Sciences Library, IU Bloomington
(812) 855-5027
Wookjin Cheun
Wells Library, IU Bloomington
(812) 855-9413
Yi Jiang
Jerome Hall Law Library, IU Bloomington
(812) 855-4199
Jeremy Pekarek
John W. Anderson Library, IU Northwest
It shall be the responsibility of the four Representatives-at-Large to serve on the Membership Committee, together with any board-appointed members of the committee. Duties shall include conducting the annual membership drive, contacting new librarians during the year to inform them about the Association and invite their membership, and assessing the needs and interests of members in order to advise the Executive Board in its planning (InULA Constitution 5:5).
Website Manager
Brandon Pieczko
Ruth Lilly Medical Library, IU Indianapolis
(317) 274-7194
It shall be the responsibility of the Webmaster to maintain the InULA website, including pages, rosters, links, and forms; post updates and posts periodically as needed; perform and maintain website backups; maintain Microsoft Teams folders; post approved minutes (board and business) to Archives of Institutional Memory as approved by board/membership; and distribute electronic surveys (excluding officer ballots) (InULA Constitution 5:6).