InULA Research Incentive Fund
Any regular member of InULA is eligible to apply. The Grants Chair should check with the InULA Treasurer to verify the applicant’s membership status.
If a Grants and Scholarship Committee member elects to apply for funding, s/he will be permitted to submit an application for ONE of the three funding cycles in that fiscal year. For the funding cycle in which an application is submitted, s/he will recuse her/himself from participating in the work of the Committee. The committee member would, therefore, participate in the work of TWO of the three funding cycles, as well as full participation in the Scholarship application review.
Likewise, Executive Board members will be eligible to apply for Grants funding but will recuse themselves from the deliberations of the Executive Board related to Grants funding and approval of awards for that funding cycle. As with Grants and Scholarship Committee members, Executive Board Officers will be eligible to apply only ONE time per budget year (July 1 – June 30).
An individual who has received an InULA Research Incentive Grant within the past six months is ineligible for consideration until that six-month time period has passed. After that time, past recipient of an InULA Research Incentive Grant may apply again for funding for either a new project or a new phase of the project for which funding was previously received once if the previous funding . However, priority will be given to projects for which no prior InULA funding has been awarded.
Previous grant recipients must have completed the one-page summaries or status reports related to their grant projects in order to be considered for additional grant funding.
Seed support of research and research-related activities used to develop a larger research proposal. (Past grant recipients may also apply for funding for new phases of previous projects, though priority will be given to projects for which no prior InULA funding has been awarded.)
Travel to support gathering of data or to present results of the research project. Applications to support travel, registration, and other expenses related to attend a conference where the applicant will be (a) giving a presentation/paper; (b) serving as a panelist; or (c) presenting a poster session are eligible for support.
Funds for research equipment or materials.
Other needs not defined above, including copying, secretarial services, preparation of graphics for publications, computing services, ILL costs, postage, telephone, etc.
Please note that funding cannot be applied to research participant incentives.
The InULA Research Incentive Fund is intended to encourage and support research by providing funding for research projects of any size or scope. All applications will be considered on their merits. In the case of equally meritorious proposals, those of non-tenured librarians may be given priority, because it is often difficult for beginning researchers to obtain research grants. More information about the criteria used to evaluate applications can be found on the Grants Evaluation Rubric.
Each year there are funds to distribute, the President of InULA shall inform the Executive Board of the amount of money available. The Board shall invite librarians to prepare proposals for the use of these monies, establish a deadline for receiving proposals, and a calendar for reviewing them. This process shall be called a funding cycle in a calendar year. Depending on the availability of funds, there may be more than one funding cycle in a calendar year.
Applicants should complete project proposal containing required information found on the application page.
The Scholarship and Grants Committee will receive and review Research Incentive Fund applications and submit their recommendations to the Executive Board for final approval and funding. It is possible for the Committee to recommend partial funding for a proposal.
The Board shall be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the use of funds awarded in previous years. The recipient is required to submit a one-page summary describing use of these funds.
Unused Monies: All funds not awarded in a funding quarter will be carried over into the remaining quarter(s). This sum shall be equally dispersed among the remaining quarters(s).
Please submit a project proposal via email to the Chair of the InULA Scholarship and Grants Committee, and cc your supervisor. Your project proposal should include the following:
Name and contact information
Position title and rank
Tenure status
Abstract of research project or justification for travel funding (strict 300 word maximum)
Research objectives and/or specific research questions
Methodology and Timeline: Please explain how you will go about conducting your research and describe what stage of the project you are undertaking.
Justification: Please describe the significance and impact of your proposed project.
Outcomes: Describe the product(s) (article, book, travel for a conference, conference presentation, etc.) of your project.
Funding request/budget: Provide an itemized budget for your funding request. Please note any other sources and amounts of support for your research that you have received in the past two years.
Recipients of the Research Incentive Grant are required to submit a one-page summary describing the use of these funds.
Application Deadlines are:
October 15
January 15
April 15
Or the next working day if these dates fall on a weekend or holiday.
- Provides clear and achievable objectives and methodology for proposed project and/or dissemination.
- Provides logical and well-argued rationale for the proposed project and/or dissemination.
- Demonstrates that the outcomes of the project will have impact within the candidate’s field of librarianship and/or on their own professional development.
- Funding request and budget are realistic and necessary for the project’s completion and/or dissemination.
4—Excellent. Applicant clearly and effectively articulates their responses and meets all of the criteria.
3—Commendable. Applicant articulates their responses satisfactorily and meets all or most of the criteria.
2—Fair. Applicant’s responses are at least partially satisfactory and meets some of the criteria.
1—Weak. Applicant’s responses are weak and does not meet most of the criteria.
InULA Staff Professional Development Award
The purpose of the Award is to assist staff in their professional development by providing competitive financial aid.
1. Full-time employees of the IU Libraries system-wide who are current InULA members (as a friend or associate) are invited to submit applications for the InULA Professional Development Award.
2. All IU Libraries full-time staff on all campuses in service, support, and PA positions are eligible to apply for this award.
3. Applicants should submit the Proposal Form (see below) and resume.
4. Applicants should include at least one letter of support from individuals who are knowledgeable about their research project and/or how the activity will be of benefit, and any other supporting documentation.
5. IUL Faculty and ILS Faculty are not eligible to apply for the InULA Professional Development Award.
1. Funding for research and research-related activities, including travel, research materials or equipment, publications subsidies, etc.
2. Attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and other educational activities sponsored by a professional association or organization for which funds might not otherwise be available.
Please note: Support and service staff (but not PA staff) must use personal time to attend a conference, seminar, workshop, and/or work on research activities. For example, if a conference, seminar, or workshop is schedule during a staff member’s regular work schedule, prior approval from their supervisor must be obtained and they must use vacation time to cover the absence or make up the time missed during the same workweek.
1. The InULA Grants and Scholarships Committee, in consultation with the InULA Executive Board, shall have responsibility for awarding one scholarship of up to $500.
2. The Board invites applicants to submit application materials by October 15th. The grant is to be awarded on or before November 30th.
3. Responsibility for publicity will be shared by the InULA Scholarship and Grants Committee and the InULA Executive Board.
4. Applications MUST be submitted electronically to the Chair of the InULA Scholarship and Grants Committee.
Please submit a proposal of no more than two pages which includes the following:
- Name
- Telephone
- Position title and staff classification
- Department
- Description of the professional development activity and its potential benefit(s) to the recipient (no more than 300 words). May include potential benefits to the applicant’s current position or future goals, immediate library community through increased or improved services, or the library system through the development of new or streamlined procedures, implementation of new technologies, or other productivity or service factors
- Funding request/budget: Provide an itemized budget and specify which portions should be considered for funding from the InULA Professional Development Award.
- References (please list name, title, address, and telephone number of person who will be supplying a supporting letter)
- Supervisor’s name
A complete application will consist of this form, a resume, and at least one letter of reference. It MUST be sent electronically to the Chair of the Scholarship and Grants Committee.
Recipients are required to submit a one-page summary describing the use of these funds. The final report will appear in InULA Notes.
Application Deadline: October 15th
Funding Requests by External Organizations
InULA accepts proposals for funding to external organization’s following these guidelines:
The requesting organization’s activity supports InULA’s Mission.
The event must be open to all InULA members.
The requested funds do not exceed $300.
The requesting organization should publicize InULA’s support through public acknowledgement and/ or a physical presence (such as an information table at the event for InULA).
Additionally, InULA recommends to the requesting organization that the following be considered:
Use of video/webinar/or other “not in person” mechanisms to broaden attendance at the activity/event.
Proximity of the event to an IU campus.
To submit a request for funding to InULA, please include the following information:
- Name of requesting organization
- Contact for requesting organization (name, institution, email, phone)
- Date of application
- Funding request amount (up to $300)
- Title and date of activity
- Description of the activity/event and explanation of how and why InULA funds would enhance the experience for attendees and how the activity aligns with InULA’s mission.
- Description of how the requesting organization plans to publicize InULA’s support.
Please send electronically to the current InULA President.